Exodus 12:21-30
We read of the tenth plague of Egypt as we cover verses 21-30 in chapter 12 of Exodus. (cc-ev.com)
We read of the tenth plague of Egypt as we cover verses 21-30 in chapter 12 of Exodus. (cc-ev.com)
We learn about the tenth plague in Egypt as we read Exodus 11 and 12. (cc-ev.com)
We focus on the character, Abraham, and his walk of faith, as guest speaker Don McClure shares with us Genesis 22. (cc-ev.com)
Guest speaker, Steve Orton, discusses faith as we read 2 Kings 7. (cc-ev.com)
We learn more of Paul’s first missionary journey with Barnabus as we read through chapter 14 of Acts. (cc-ev.com)