Learning to Worship
Guest speaker, Pastor Chet Evans, has us consider the question, ‘Why does God want you to worship Him?’ (cc-ev.com)
Guest speaker, Pastor Chet Evans, has us consider the question, ‘Why does God want you to worship Him?’ (cc-ev.com)
We find out what God does when His people are desperate for water as we read the first seven verses of Exodus. (cc-ev.com)
We imagine what it will be like to see God’s face and what it’s like to not have night as we finish up chapter 21 and begin chapter 22 of Revelation. (cc-ev.com)
We find out what God does when the Israelites are caught between Pharoah’s army and the Red Sea, as we read through Exodus 14 together. (cc-ev.com)
John sees a new heaven, a new earth and a new Jerusalem, as we read the first eight verses of Revelation 21. (cc-ev.com)