Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me, and know my anxieties;
And see if there is any wicked way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting.
(Psalm 139:23-24 NKJV)
*Psalm 139:23-24*
David says this after already declaring throughout the rest of the Psalm that God does indeed know everything about David. Every action, thought, and motive God knows about us and even with that knowledge verses 17-18 say that God’s precious thoughts about us are more than can be counted. The point – When we realize that God knows everything about us and yet is constantly thinking of us, we are cut to the heart with His perfect love upon our imperfect selves, and desire to be more in line with His heart.
God knows all things about us regardless of our willingness to accept or admit His knowledge. The beauty comes when we not only admit and accept this but also ask Him to know us, examine us, and reveal to us our true selves. When we do this we will give Him His rightful place of Master over our lives. When He is our Master we truly see our role as servant. A servant may wonder about or even question their master, but they are always obedient. This obedience in our lives isn’t based upon a God that will punish us if we are not obedient, but rather from an overflow of love for the One who knows all things and yet loves us and who’s thoughts toward us are without number.
Listen precious saint, you can not hide from God in action, thought, or motive so why try? Stand before God open and exposed before His righteousness, no longer fighting His perfect work in your life. Instead surrender to Him fully and completely and follow Him in the way of everlasting life.